On March 22, 2025, an interregional scientific and practical conference for hematologists, oncologists and clinical pharmacologists on the most relevant problems of oncohematology and hematology will be held.

Leading experts will make presentations. Saratov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Samara.

We invite everyone to participate in the conference!!!







The modern development of hematology is happening rapidly. Every year, new data on the molecular mechanisms of the occurrence of hematological neoplasms appear. As a result, the criteria for diagnosis, factors for predicting the development of tumors are changing, innovative targeted drugs are emerging, new therapy regimens and criteria for monitoring it, new approaches to treatment. This requires hematologists to have up-to-date information, and, consequently, continuous training. Here doctors can get the latest knowledge about what is happening in hematology.


Innovation is the future of medicine


Introduction of modern information technologies into various processes of the medical industry, both budgetary and private commercial medicine


Symbiosis of science and clinical practice


On March 3, 2023, the III Moscow Hematology School of Young Scientists and Doctors was held. The event was organized by the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology named after Academicians I.A. Kassirsky and A.I. Vorobyov RMANPO together with the State Medical University named after S.P. Botkin DZ of Moscow and ANO "Moscow School of Hematology" with the support of the Tinkov Family Foundation.

This year, a record number of works (103) were submitted to the school from different cities of Russia, from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, as well as from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. In total, 340 doctors and young scientists participated in the forum in full-time format and 250 people connected remotely. SSMU residents took part in the work of the school.

Eighteen papers were selected for oral presentations. Five participants became winners:

Yulia Rogacheva, postgraduate student of the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology and Transplantology with the course of Pediatric Oncology of the FPO named after Professor B.V. Afanasyev of the PSPb Research Institute of the State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova, St. Petersburg, with the work "De-escalation approach to the therapy of febrile neutropenia in patients colonized by carbapenem-resistant strains during allogeneic bone marrow transplantation".

Maxim A. Granatkin, PhD student of the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology named after Academician I.A. Kassirsky and A.I. Vorobyov, Moscow, with the work "Combination of hypomethylating drugs with BCL-2 inhibitors in the treatment of relapses of acute myeloid leukemia".

Dorofeeva Alyona Igorevna, researcher at the Laboratory of Hematopoiesis Physiology of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMIC Hematology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, with the work "Blood serum of patients with aplastic anemia inhibits the growth of bone marrow stromal cells of healthy donors."

Guryanova Margarita Anatolyevna, hematologist of the Department of Chemotherapy of Hematological Diseases of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "NMIC of Hematology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, with the work "Preliminary results of a Russian prospective multicenter study on the observation of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia with a deep molecular response to therapy with reduced doses of tyrosine kinase inhibitors with subsequent cancellation of treatment (readit-2020)".

Vinokurova Anastasia Nikolaevna, hematologist of the Department of Hematology and Chemotherapy of GBUZ TO OKB No. 1, Tyumen, with the work "Clinical case of treatment of a patient with refractory course of prolymphocytic leukemia".

All 5 winners will go this year for an internship and spend 2 weeks in the teams of leading foreign clinics.


16–18 октября 2023 г. в Москве состоялась XX Российская конференция с международным участием «Злокачественные лимфомы».   В рамках конференции прощли выступления крупнейших отечественных и зарубежных специалистов в области диагностики и лечения злокачественных лимфопролиферативных заболеваний, посвященные наиболее актуальным вопросам этого раздела онкогематологии, а также самым значимым событиям в области лечения агрессивных и индолентных лимфом, хронического лимфолейкоза и множественной миеломы, произошедшим в 2021-2022 гг. В ходе конференции будут рассмотрены такие актуальные для специалис...
02-03 июня 2023 XVI Российский Форум экспертов по вопросам диагностики и лечения миелоидных новообразований (Миелофорум)
Глубокоуважаемые коллеги!   Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе XVI Российского Форума экспертов по вопросам диагностики и лечения миелоидных новообразований (Миелофорум), который состоится 02-03 июня 2023 года в гибридном формате (аудиторный режим с онлайн-трансляцией) по адресу: Москва, ул. Лесная, 15, отель «Холидей Инн Лесная», онлайн-трансляция на сайте Данный форум организован с целью внедрения современных медицинских технологий, методов лечения хронических миелопролиферативных заболеваний в практическое здравоохранение. В ходе мероприят...